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Electrical 3rd Semester K Scheme Micro Project Topics

Welcome to the micro-project world, in this post we provide a full list of micro-project topics for Electrical 3rd Semester K Scheme subjects.
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 Electrical 3rd Semester K Scheme Micro Project Topics

Welcome to the micro-project world, in this post we provide a full list of micro-project topics for Electrical 3rd Semester K Scheme subjects.

Electrical 3rd Semester K Scheme Micro Project Topics
Electrical 3rd Semester K Scheme Micro Project Topics

MSBTE recently changed the micro-projects scheme from I to K, so all electrical students must check the list of microproject topics below before starting microproject work.
  • ECN 313332 Electrical Circuits and Network Micro project topics
    • Single Phase A.C. series and parallel Circuits: Prepare series and parallel LED lamp/load(R, L, C) circuit. Measure the response and draw a vector diagram. Calculate the power factor for the circuit.
    • b. Three-phase balanced circuits: Prepare a three-phase network of balanced load at 230 volts, determine phase and line quantities, and calculate active and reactive power for the given load. i. Star connection il. Delta connection
    • c. Three-phase unbalanced circuits: Prepare a phase network of unbalanced load determine phase and line quantities and also calculate active and reactive power for the given load. i. Star connection ii. Delta connection
    • d. Principles of circuit analysis and Network theorem: Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on source transformation, star delta transformation, mesh, and nodal analysis, and Network theorems for the given network.
    • e. Solve the given Electric circuit problems using PSpice/Matlab software.
  • 313333-Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution GTD Micro project topics
    • Prepare a 3D model of a Pumped storage Hydropower Station.
    • Prepare a 3D model of a Hydropower Station.
    • Prepare a 3D model of a Thermal Power Station.
    • Prepare a comparative chart for UHVAC and HVAC Transmission lines considering their Strength, Limitations, Capital cost involvement, Running Costs, Losses, Voltage regulation, Construction details, etc.
    • Prepare a comparative chart for HVAC and HVDC Transmission lines based on their Strength, Limitations, Capital cost involvement, Running Costs, Losses, Voltage regulation, Construction details, etc.
    • Write Detailed complete technical specifications of all the elements of the Ultra high voltage AC (UHVAC) Transmission line. Also, write the functions of each element of the UHVAC Transmission line and submit the report.
  • 313334 Electrical and Electronic Measurements EEM Micro project topics
    • Electronic energy meter: Collect data on the power consumption of the equipment in the departmental laboratories/workshops of your polytechnic using an electronic energy meter.
    • Prepare a report on the usage of level, pressure, and flow sensors used in the industry.
    • Prepare a report on the usage of the IC LM35 temperature sensor.
    • Prepare a report on the usage of temperature sensors in mobile, laptop, domestic, and consumer appliances.
    • DMM: Use DMM for measurement of current, voltage, and resistance of different ranges and check the continuity.
    • CRO: Draw the front panel of the CRO and write the function of each control on the panel.
    • Wattmeter: Dismantle a wattmeter available in the laboratory identify the pressure coil, current coil, spring, magnets, former, dial scale, etc. and again assemble the same.
    • PMMC and MI instrument: Dismantle any PMMC and MI instrument each available in the laboratory/workshop and identify different parts, materials, and functions i.e. coil, spring, magnets, former, dial scale, etc., and again assemble the same.
  • 313335 Fundamentals of Power Electronic FPE Micro project topics
    • Build a power electronic circuit to produce variable voltage for a given application using the following steps. 1) Identify the voltage range for a given application. 2) Select circuit components suitable for the identified voltage range. 3) Connect circuit components to build a power electronic circuit controlling voltage. 4) Test the circuit for the production of variable voltage. 5) Prepare a report on the circuit built and submit the same.
    • Prepare a report on commercial or industrial applications of power electronics devices by performing the following activities. 1) Identify 3 to 5 relevant applications. 2) Visit the site and understand the role of power electronic devices in identified applications. 3) Write the specifications of major components in the applications. 4) Prepare a block diagram or process flow diagram of the applications.
    • Prepare a report on the ratings/specifications and applications of various power electronic devices. 1) Select any 3 to 5-power electronic devices. 2) Visit manufacturers’ sites or official websites of power electronic device manufacturers and note the specifications or ratings of the selected power electronic devices. 3) Compare selected power electronics devices based on collected information along with their applications.
    • Build a circuit of charge controller for a given battery using the following steps. 1) Write the specifications of a given battery. 2) Select circuit components required for the charge controller circuit suitable for the given battery. 3) Connect circuit components to build a charge controller. 4) Test change controller for controlling power flow through the battery. 5) Prepare a report on the charge controller and submit the same.
    • Any other relevant microproject assigned by the subject teacher.
  • The Essence of the Indian Constitution EIC 313002 Micro Projects Topics
    • Organize a workshop-cum discussions for spreading awareness regarding the Fundamental Rights of the citizens of the country.
    • Prepare elaborations where the directive principle of State policy has prevailed over Fundamental rights with relevant Supreme Court Judgements.
    • Organize a debate on 42nd, 97th, and 103rd Constitutional Amendment Acts of the Constitution of India.
  • 313015 Electrical Materials and Wiring Practice EMW Micro Projects Topics
    • Collect the information about distribution substation earthing and submit report on it.
    • Collect the sample/information about different types and sizes of wires, cables, and switches available in the market and submit report on it.
    • Collect information from the internet or otherwise on the different electromagnetic materials along with the forms in which they are available and submit report on it.
    • Carry out profile lighting upto 5m length with suitable driver (choke).
    • Collect the information about methods of wiring and submit report on it.
    • Collect the information about MCBs and MCCBs of different specifications and submit report on it.
    • Collect the information about RCCBs of different specifications and submit report on it.


You can choose any other micro project topics but always remember to only choose topics that are related to the subject.

Hi everyone, I'm Suraj Diware, and I'm passionate about helping students succeed in MSBTE programs. This blog is dedicated to providing clear and concise explanations of MSBTE curriculum topics, along with practical tips and resources to sup…

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