Civil Engineering 3rd Semester K Scheme Micro Project Topics
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) changed the study scheme for diploma students due to this change Civil Engineering 3rd Semester microproject topics are also changed.
New K Scheme microproject topics for civil engineering 3rd semester for all subjects are given below:
Civil Engineering 3rd Semester K Scheme Topics:
- 313308 Strength of Materials SOM Micro Project Topics
- Collect the information of the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) given in different units.
- Prepare charts of maximum bending moment and shear force values in standard beams.
- Two Numericals on Chimneys (of rectangular and circular cross-section) were subjected to wind pressure & also draw stress distribution diagram at the base.
- Draw & identify the difference between Bending stress distribution & Shear stress distribution diagrams for square, rectangular, circle, hollow square, rectangular, circle, T- T-section, & symmetrical I- I-section.
- 313321 Advanced Surveying ASU Micro Project Topics
- Carry out a comparative study of the following survey instruments of different make and brands: Total station/ EDM/GPS/Digital theodolite.
- Collect the relevant technical and commercial information of a minimum of five advanced survey instruments available in the market with specifications.
- Determine the RLs of the existing structures like lintels, chajja, slab, and beam using a Tacheometer and Total station in a multistoried building and compare the results.
- Download specifications for Total Station/ EDM/GPS and make a chart.
- Set the profiles of curves at the changes in the alignment of the road in the premises of the institute (minimum two).
- Study the specifications of Mobile devices used for distance measurement.
- Collect the information on 360-degree laser
- Collect information on software required for mapping of images for photogrammetry.
- Collect the Information about the Drone survey.
- Collect the information on the Rover survey for land measurement.
- 313322 Concrete Technology CTE Micro Project Topics
- Market survey to select types of cement for various types of construction works.
- Visit to site under construction to observe concreting operations.
- Visit to site under construction to observe the quality of fresh concrete.
- Visit to site under construction to observe formwork, scaffolding used and joints in concrete.
- Search the software/freeware for the course content and prepare a report stating their applications.
- Visit to site under construction to collect detailed information about the ingredients of the concrete mix.
- Market survey to select types of admixture for relevant construction work.
- Prepare a mixed design for the grade given by the course teacher.
- Visit to stone crusher to observe its manufacturing.
- 313323 Highway Engineering HEN Micro Project Topics
- Develop a Highway Intersection Model for smooth traffic flow.
- Differentiate geometric terms of different roads (NH, SH, MDR, ODR, VR) passing through your area.
- Advanced techniques of repairs like CBTR, White topping, Preventive maintenance, etc.
- Identify modes of transportation other than land transportation.
- List the National Highways/State Highways passing through Maharashtra.
- Collect the information relevant to transportation engineering about ongoing and completed road projects (Samrudhi-Mahamarg, Golden Quadrilateral, etc.).
- Role of MSRDC, NHAI, and IRC in the development and construction of roads.
- Asian Highways (AH) analysis.
- The Essence of the Indian Constitution 313002 Micro Projects Topics
- Organize a workshop-cum discussions for spreading awareness regarding the Fundamental Rights of the citizens of the country.
- Prepare elaborations where the directive principle of State policy has prevailed over Fundamental rights with relevant Supreme Court Judgements.
- Organize a debate on 42nd, 97th, and 103rd Constitutional Amendment Acts of the Constitution of India.
- 313009-Building planning and drawing with CAD 313009 Micro Projects Topics
- Collect and study building Bylaws, rules, and regulations for planning any two competent authorities such as Gram-Panchayat/Municipal Corporation/Metro Cities/Town Planning Department.
- Prepare a report on Provisions given in the National Building Code 2005
- Prepare a list of the documents required for obtaining permission for the construction of residential buildings/apartments from the competent authority and write a report.
- Prepare a report on IS-962:1989 - Code of Practice for architectural and Building drawings
- Prepare a Developed Plan and Elevation for any one Public Building using CAD Software.
- 313010-Construction Management CMA Micro Projects Topics
- Prepare a report on different forms of inventory storage along with your interpretation.
- Collect the information about the latest safety measures adopted at construction projects.
- Collect information and prepare a report on any one top construction companies in India.
- Compare any 3 construction management software.
- Use any one free open ware software to collect information about modern techniques of material management like JIT/SAP/ERP/MSP/MSEXCEL/Primavera.
- Collect information and prepare a report on various construction equipment used in the construction industry.
- Use any one free open ware software of Construction Management to prepare the scheduling of a project.
- Use any one free open ware software of Construction Management to determine the critical path for the given construction project.
- Interpret the network figures used in given civil engineering projects.
Civil third-semester K Scheme students can also use I scheme micro project topics.