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Mechanical 3rd Semester K Scheme Micro Project Topics

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Mechanical 3rd Semester K Scheme Micro Project Topics

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) microprojects are always changing with changing study schemes. New microproject topics for the Mechanical 3rd Semester K Scheme are given below:

Mechanical 3rd Semester K Scheme Micro Project Topics
Mechanical 3rd Semester K Scheme Micro Project Topics

Mechanical 3rd Semester K Scheme Micro Project Topics

  • 313308 Strength of Materials SOM Micro Project Topics
    • Collect the information of the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) given in different units.
    • Prepare charts of maximum bending moment and shear force values in standard beams.
    • Two Numericals on Chimneys (of rectangular and circular cross-section) were subjected to wind pressure & also draw stress distribution diagram at the base.
    • Draw & identify the difference between Bending stress distribution & Shear stress distribution diagrams for square, rectangular, circle, hollow square, rectangular, circle, T- T-section, & symmetrical I- I-section.
  • 313309 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery FMM Micro Project Topics
    • Prepare a detailed report based on locations and specifications of Pelton wheel/ Kaplan/ Francis/ any other turbine used in India or Abroad from the internet.
    • Prepare a detailed report based on the range of products, manufacturers, and technical specifications of Centrifugal/ reciprocating/ multistage pumps/ submersible pumps/any other pump from the local market or internet.
    • Visit a hydroelectric power plant and prepare a report on the layout of the plant, components of the plant, and specifications of turbines used in the plant.
  • 313310 Thermal Engineering TEN Micro Project Topics
    • Prepare a model of any one boiler/mounting/accessories with the help of suitable material.
    • Prepare charts on compounding and regenerative feed heating processes of steam boiler.
    • Collect various components of an I.C. engine and prepare a board model with its details.
    • Prepare and present a seminar on boiler instrumentation using appropriate sources of information.
    • Prepare a report on a visit to Steam Power Plant based on the following parameters- a. Layout of power plant b. Specifications & type of – Steam boiler, steam turbine, Steam condenser & cooling tower. c. Construction & working of - Steam boiler, steam turbine, Steam condenser & cooling tower. d. Maintenance procedure of - Steam boiler, steam turbine, Steam condenser & cooling tower. e. List of various parameters controlled for smooth functioning.
    • Prepare a model of any one heat exchanger with the help of suitable material.
  • 313311 Production Drawing PDR Micro Project Topics
    • Prepare assembly drawing/detailed drawing of machine vice/ lathe tailstock/ tool post etc. by visiting the Institute's workshop.
    • Prepare a report on various types of welding symbols used for fabrication work by Visiting a nearby fabrication workshop.
    • Any other micro-projects suggested by subject faculty on a similar line.
    • Prepare detailed drawings of Various IC Engine components using proper measuring instruments by visiting the Institute's Power Engineering Lab or any other.
    • Students should collect Production drawings from nearby workshops/industries and establish item reference numbers on that drawing for a convention or tolerance value. Prepare a report showing item reference numbers and their meaning.
    • Prepare a report representing the conventional representation of various piping joints by visiting nearby process industries like sugar factories, chemical industries, water treatment plants, etc.
  • 312020-Basic Electrical and Electronics BEE Micro Project Topics
    • A. Electric and magnetic circuit: each batch will prepare a coil without the core. Students will note the defection if the galvanometer is connected across the coil for movement if the north pole is a permanent magnet towards and away from the coil ( slow and fast movement), movement of the south pole if the permanent magnet is towards and away from the coil ( slow and fast movement). Students will demonstrate and prepare a report based on their observations.
    • B. Transformer: each batch will visit a nearby pole-mounted substation and prepare a report based on the following points:
    • i. Rating:kVA rating, primary and secondary voltage, connections.
    • ii. Different parts and their functions.
    • iii. Earthing arrangement.
    • C. Single-phase induction motor:
    • Each batch will select a three-phase squirrel cage-type induction motor for a particular application ( assume a suitable rating). They will visit the local electrical market (if the market is not nearby you may use the Internet) and prepare a report based on the following points :
    • i . Manufacturers
    • ii. Technical specifications
    • iii. Features offered by different manufacturers.
    • iv. Price range
    • D. Transistor as a switch: each batch will search and study the datasheet of the transistor and relevant components and will build/test the transistor switch circuit in the breadboard / general-purpose PCB for various input signals.
    • E. Prepare display boards consisting of electronic components: each batch will prepare display boards/models/ charts/ posters to visualize the appearance of electronic active and passive components.
    • F. Diode: build a circuit on general-purpose PCB to clamp a waveform at 3.0 V using diode and passive components.
  • The Essence of the Indian Constitution 313002 Micro Projects Topics
      • Organize a workshop-cum discussions for spreading awareness regarding the Fundamental Rights of the citizens of the country.
      • Prepare elaborations where the directive principle of State policy has prevailed over Fundamental rights with relevant Supreme Court Judgements.
      • Organize a debate on 42nd, 97th, and 103rd Constitutional Amendment Acts of the Constitution of India.


This blog post provides mechanical K scheme micro project topics for all subjects of Mechanical 3rd Semester.

Mechanical engineering 3rd semester MSBTE mirco projects topics i scheme

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